Friday, August 21, 2009

Injuries ala Ethan

Ok so one morning I am getting ready for work and Ethan is playing in our bedroom which is across the hall from the bathroom. He is swinging the door back and forth and I tell him to be careful so he doesn't get hurt. He is also looking through the door jam at me and laughing. Then he starts slaming the door shut. Again i tell him to stop doing that so he doesn't get hurt. Next thing I know I hear the door shut and him scream. So I am thinking he shut his finger in the door. WRONG!! He somehow managed to shut his mouth in the door jam. That takes talent my friends. Thus the end result.....

Then while we are in california picking up my mom, Ethan gets a rug burn. I think the funniest part about this is he said it never hurt, so he got the joy of surprising 3 different sets of people by just lifting up his shirt and saying "look" and then laughing when they gasp.

What a boy!!!


Anonymous said...

Poor little guy. Maybe you guys should stop beating him j/k He is so cute. I loved hanging out with him tonight :)