Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sand Dunes!!

Sand Dunes, when I hear sand dunes I immediately think the beach!!! Being from CA when you go to the beach you play in the sand dunes as well, but there is the ocean a few feet away to wash off all the sand once you have completely covered yourself in it. Not the case in UT people. Now the camping trip was pretty fun. And Ethan couldn't get enough dirt. I am pretty sure that we brought home enough sand to make our own sand castle. Ethan, well Ethan and mommy got to ride a 4 wheeler for the first time. Pretty fun and Ethan was in heaven!!!! Thank you to the Waraths for letting us crash their family camping trip.

Ethan ready to go camping.

Daddy & ethan on the 4 wheeler!
Ethan and his little friend Cade
Cade loved the 3 wheelers.he would throw a fit if he couldn't ride on one.
No the kids are not on fire.

this was Ethan about 5 minutes after we left the sand dunes. He didn't nap the whole time we were there.


Snelsonclan said...

looks like good times of these days we will have to hook our two 3 year old boys together and see what mayhem they can cause....this is ryan by the way....